Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I've been taking picture-wictures!

Reunited with some TaruTaru friends: Jond and Spork.

Chased a Lucky Mouse and got some amazing goodies for my Mog House.

But here's the shocking news:

Suga Momma

I have a character on the Phoenix server now. Meet Itsumo, a tiny TaruTaru from Bastok (gross, I know) but who secretly wants to live in San d'Oria or Windurst instead. On her left, Kichiro (Dacosta's Phoenix character), and Astheria, a friend of ours IRL. We managed to convince some friends to try the game out. :) Astheria is my new suga momma and she hooked it up with Melon Pies.

Dulsie, /fume! She gave me 50 gil - what am I supposed to buy with that? I spit on her.

Kichiro and I went shopping for some spells. I'm trying out Red Mage.

I took one of my friends under my wing since he is playing Black Mage. While grinding our way to level 10, Astheria offered to blow stuff up for us. Good times.


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