Bizarre Bazaar
I'm sad to say that I am taking a break from Final Fantasy XI -- and possibly a permanent one. My blog may have been shortaru lived, but I've been in Vana'diel for a long time. The firstaru time around, I played for about half a year. I quit when Diamonte & Berthold did, but we all came back around the same time a year ago. We started over, reached levels 60~70, had good times. However, this school semester is really taking a lot of energy & time; and we are notaru having as much fun as we used to. /sigh I will still go over older screenshots and blog aboutaru them here before I forget all the details!
I'll be in Lower Jeuno for the most part for the remainder of September with my Bazaar up. I figure, other people and fellow BLMs will need these things more than me.
Someone had the nerve to buy a staff from me, then ask what it was for, and then! Ask me to buy it back from them! And hold it for them until later! No can do, silly-willy.
Thanks to everyone who was so very-wery kind to me in game & to linkshell leaders for sharing a linkpearl with me: Ryiden (LunarBlades), Zhen (KnightsOfAbyss, Habibi), Thundergod (Coda), Juttin (PedestrianCrossing), and Darian (Alcedea).
I hope that you'll be able to come back when you get school all sorted out. I'll keep yours and Dacosta's spots in Alcedea all warm and cozy for you. *hug*
P.S. I'm not the leader of Alcedea... Karm is. ^^;;;;;
Eh, Dar's as much leader as I am. It's sort of a monarchy, after all. ^^;
If you can't come back, you'll be missed, but we'll hold on to hope all the same. *hug* Take care, okay?
Awww. I enjoyed reading your blog. Hope things in RL get unhectic. Cheers!
Hope to see you around again soon ^^
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